Optimize and secure your customer relationships
Optimize your business processes and customer service with Selligent CRM
Offer summary
By implementing the Selligent CRM solution, we can help you to improve your customer knowledge and thus optimize and make your data more reliable.
Company / Contact / Action information is fundamental in order to optimize your customer relationship and requires daily monitoring and careful processing.
To date, many companies use manual procedures to manage their data. These actions are time-consuming and affect the quality and accuracy of relationships (erroneous, missing or out-of-date data, financial data, etc.).
The impact on companies is significant, and for this reason, we have developed our offer that proposes:
- Time and money savings,
- Qualified customer knowledge,
- An optimized sales approach,
- A positive perception on the part of the customer,
We can provide the Selligent CDM tool in SAAS mode or directly on premises.
Granting access to the Selligent CDM solution, our offer allows you to:
- Optimize your sales approach by making your data more reliable in your Selligent CRM
- Achieve customer proximity and acquire 360° customer knowledge
- Help your teams get to grips with the system, and provide simplified ergonomic use
- Refocus teams on their core business and objectives.
- Process: Enable a significant improvement in your teams’ productivity
- Steering: ensure high-quality reporting/analysis of data
- Business Line: Expand your teams’ customer knowledge thanks to our expertise
- Functional: Guarantee data quality and ensure better management of your customer and prospect repositories via advanced optimization and ergonomics
- Human: easier adoption of the tool by your teams (one single tool, CRM integration)
- Financial: Reduce your data management costs (no duplication, errors, etc.).
Our support method is divided into 6 steps:
- Study and scoping
- Enhancing the reliability of existing material
- Database enrichment
- Solution implementation
- Regularly ensure that data is up to date
- Training and support
Average Length
3 months’ support by teams trained and certified by the publisher
Technology used
Selligent CRM (CDM)
Our References
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